Charges to your Investment
Are there any one-off charges?
Slater Investments does not charge any one-off fees to your investment, this means that there are:
NO Initial Charges
NO Exit Fees
NO Performance Fees
What are the ongoing charges?
The Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) shows how much it will cost to invest in the fund annually. This figure includes all aspects of operating a fund during the course of its financial year. The OCF may vary between each fund and class of share/unit and from month to month. Details of the current OCF are available in the latest factsheet for the relevant fund. Factsheets may be found here.
The following charges and costs make up the OCF for each fund:
Annual Management Charge (AMC)
- This charge covers the annual costs of the investment team managing the fund. It is expressed as a percentage of assets of the Fund, with the level depending on the class of shares/units of the fund you are invested in. It is shown on the factsheet for each fund. The following charges are also covered by the AMC:
- Customer Service
- Maintaining investment registers
- Paying out any income due to you
- Sending valuations and fund progress reports to you
- Complying with investment regulation
- Producing fund reports
- Valuing the fund assets
- Calculating the fund price daily
- Maintaining fund accounting records
Independent Oversight
- Depositary/Trustee oversight
- Safe-keeping of the Fund's assets
- Auditor fees
- Regulator fees
Fund Operations
- Transaction Charges
The below is an illustration of how charges will be applied to your investment, based on £20,000 within a Stocks and Shares ISA over 5 years and an assumed 5.00% growth rate per year. The below calculation assumes investment in the A class of each fund, figures may deviate between the other share classes of each fund.
Slater Growth Fund - A Accumulation
Slater Income Fund - A Accumulation
Slater Recovery Fund - A Accumulation
* The transaction cost figure includes an element of implicit cost (“slippage”) which is the difference between the mid-market price at the time the trade is sent to the market (“arrival price”) and the eventual execution price of the trade. It is possible for the slippage cost to be negative; for example, when buying an asset the arrival price might be higher than the actual price paid. If this happens to enough trades, an overall negative transaction cost can accrue. In the case of a negative overall transaction cost, a zero transaction cost is shown.
**The Net Ongoing Charge figure is as per the Key Investor Information Document (KIID)

Transaction Charges
Transaction charges are costs incurred by the fund when they buy and sell the underlying investments and are taken from the Fund’s capital, meaning they are included in the calculated Net Asset Value (NAV). This figure is illustrated in the table above and disclosed to all Platforms, available upon request and can be found in our EMT (European MiFID Template), which is available from the Key Documents page. These are made up of:
Direct transaction costs
- Taxes and Levies: such exchange fees
Indirect transaction costs
- Arrival Price: the difference between the market mid price at the time of the order being placed with the broker and the price at which the trade is executed